Welcome to the New Year!
Our first program of the new year will be on Friday, Jan.8, at 10:30 am and will feature
Richard Adler who will speak on the application of artificial intelligence to systems such as rockets, power plants, computer networks, and intensive care units, and specifically his work in applying artificial intelligence technology to help automate operations support of the Launch Processing System for NASA’s Space Station fleet, as well as his other work in software.
Richard is a management consultant, software architect, start-up executive, and author. Early in his career, Rich designed and built artificial intelligence applications and tools for distributed computing. More recently, he developed tools and solutions to improve decision-making for problems including competitive marketing, counter-terrorism strategy, and enabling smooth organizational change. Rich took a double major in philosophy and physics at University of Michigan, earned an MS in Physics at University of Illinois at Urbana, and a PhD in the Philosophy of Physics from the University of Minnesota. He has published on topics including causation, knowledge management, component software, expert systems, distributed computing, and counter-terrorism strategies. He recently published the book
Bending the Law of Unintended Consequences: A Test-Drive Method for Critical Decision-Making in Organizations (Springer, 2020).