Below is a standard blank template for announcing events.
For speakers and potential speakers, this is how your topic will be announced to the group.
For S&T members: if you know someone who would be willing to make a presentation (perhaps yourself!) the summary of topic and presenter bio are helpful information. Feel free to use the template to propose a talk to the Planning Committee. Thank you.
From: Tony Conte To: ___<list of members>___
Subject: Wilson S&T Forum, ___<date of meeting>___
The Wilson Science and Technology Forum meets at 10:30 am with the presentation at 10:45 am on the second and fourth Friday each month, using a Zoom Video Conferencing Application, provided by the Jenks Center.
Our next meeting is scheduled for ___<date of meeting>___. At this meeting, ___<summary of topic>___
Presenter bio: ___<presenter’s bio / background / other information>___
To Join Zoom Meeting – Click on:
Meeting ID: 966 1419 2631
Passcode: 935365
The link to the Wilson Forum website includes past presentations and previous sessions as well as other information for your use. The link is:
If you know someone who would like to receive these meeting notices they should send a request to Tony Conte ( ) to be added to the distribution.
Thanks to the Jenks Center for providing support for the Wilson Science and Technology Forum.